Japan Exposed - August/September 2005

This travelogue describes my trip to Japan in 2005. The primary purpose of the trip was to attend Expo 2005 in Aichi Prefecture, but there's no point in going all that way for just a few days. So I read guidebooks and web sites and decided to fly into Tokyo and back from Osaka, with significant stops for Expo and in Kyoto. Beyond making hotel reservations (using a variety of on-line resources) and buying a rail pass, I didn't do a huge amount of planning. The most useful preparation was probably rereading Dave Barry Does Japan. For how it all turned out, read on.

Tokyo and Yokohama

Expo 2005 and Nagoya

Kyoto and Nara

Osaka, Hiroshima, Kurashiki and Kobe

Concluding Remarks and Miscellaneous Tips

Copyright 2005 Miriam H. Nadel

last updated 18 September 2005
Send comments to mhnadel@alum.mit.edu